
Creative Writing: Empire Island

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Once upon a time, Once upon a time, a time not so long ago, in the far away land of Alganblah, a majestic palace loomed over the village, with its high torrents and massive stain glass windows. However, let us not get too caught up in the beauty of the outside, for our story actually begins on the inside of the palace's walls.

For inside this palace, a huge celebratory welcome took place to welcome the King and Queen's first born son. Everyone from Kingdoms near and far were invited, everyone except for the mysterious Necromancer of the north. The King and Queen knew first hand what a magical being like he was capable of, and had no desire whatsoever to have their son associated with any of that.

And so on that note, the celebrations were …show more content…

gathering is it? Is it because of my evil ways, my disfigured appearance, or is it simply because I am so much more powerful than everyone standing here, whatever the reason, it's your pick, I will deal with it in any way I see fit. Hmmmm lets see," Adrian paced back and forth, never once removing his eyes from the child, speaking to himself "sounds like a good enough punishment to me...." Taking his eyes away from the sleeping infant, he turned towards the crowd, "Okay everyone, here's what's going to happen, I myself will take the baby, and raise it on my own until it reaches the ripe age of 18, in that time it will be trained in the dark arts, once he reaches that age, then, and only then will he be set free, and choose if he so desires to return to the kingdom, and take his place as the rightful heir, or stay by my side." With that said, Prince Xusto vanished from his cradle in a beam of white light, the King's body grew limp, and crumpled to the …show more content…

In this cave he raised Xusto as his own, telling the young boy all that he believed he should know. The boy grow into a dashingly handsome young man, he had midnight black hair, which contradicted his father's green eyes, which he had inherited.

Although Adrian gave Xusto everything he needed, or desired, Xusto felt that he belonged somewhere else. One day, as Xusto was busy perfecting an enchantment, he felt as though something was in the mountains that shouldn’t be there. Going towards the mouth of the cave, Xusto saw a far away silhouette of a horse and its rider. Xusto found himself feeling a strong sense of curiosity, to know who, and why this person was so far up in the desolate mountains.

Creeping out of the mouth of the cave, Xusto slowly made his way down the side of the mountain towards the stranger. On closer inspection, he realized that the stranger and his horse looked very much on the line of barley conscious . The horse was stumbling under the weight of its master, and the young man-boy was barely holding onto the reigns of his horse. Suddenly, and without warning the boy slipped off the horse, and landed in a heap on the rocky terrain, the horse stumbled a few more steps, before succumbing to the same fate, as her

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