
Essay On King Venera

Decent Essays

“Is this the codex?” King Venera points at the black jewel laid on top off his desk, His eyes looks down on a thin man. Even though his hair is gray and old he sits with dignity and power. “Y-yes my Lord we are prepared to be converted” a scientist rubs his hands together, sweat drips from his forehead as he tried to avoid eye contact. The room is noisy filled with politicians, royalties and their familie. Just like King Venera they all wear lavish clothes despite the war going on outside. “how can we know that this will work, will we be able to regain our memories when we will be revived? What about our abilities, Does the quality of our Maka stay the same?” the King scratched his white scruff asking about the possible consequences. “T-there is no time my Lord we will die here if we stay here, the only way to escape their DNA tracker is to transfer our data into this codex. I am sure that the commander will do her duty and revive us in another planet” the scientist stressed his opinion, trying to convince the King. “M-my King please forgive my insolence but we have no other option other …show more content…

He fixed his gaze to a dark corner of the room then a man can out from the shadows. “What is he doing here I thought he was exiled” nobles started murmuring, disgusted at the sight that the exiled prince who planned a coup d’etat is actually still alive. “My son Lucious Venera, Leader of the Black Hand This is your Last Mission, Bring The Codex and The Star of Mythalia to Alice. Make sure she is safe and help her escape this God forbidden planet.” King Venara knows his son is strong, if he didn’t have his commanders at that time of the coup, of his son could have end his life. To rebel all for a single woman the king smirked at the

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