
Creative Writing : A Short Story

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“"And just where do you think you are going?" asked a deep voice. It was followed by a small bark. Kate turned around, frightened to say the very least, only to meet eyes with Mr.. Jacks, a teen boy and a bulldog.
"Did you follow me?" Kate questioned with confusion written on her face. The young boy next to Mr.. Jacks nodded.
"Yeah we did! We're surprised you figured out how to get out, it will help my group out a lot more, my name's Liam by the way, nice to meet ya!" Liam smiled. Kate grinned back and waved towards Liam. "I'm Kate, but continuing on to the real problem... do you know why these things are here?" Kate looked intensely at the both of them, expecting a response. Liam shook his head and Mr.. Jacks let out a sigh. "We …show more content…

Liam and Mr. Jacks followed close behind. "I do happen to know about them, or at least, enough to get you your information, though I don't think I'm allowed to share this information..." Uragiri continued rambling. Kate looked to Liam with a smirk, she knew just what to do. "Giri! Would you lead us to this information of yours?" Liam asked with a charmful grin. Uragiri didn't buy any of it. A faint buzz came after the slight awkward silence. Kate and Liam exchanged curious glances and Uragiri looked worried. "As I have enjoyed your presence, I must take my leave." Uragiri mumbled nervously, bowed and then slipped out of the alley. Mr.. Jacks chased the girl, he had a hint of suspicion about her knowledge of force fields. Kate slowly slid down the wall and cried out whatever she could, she had lost any hope to confront and put an end to Daiya's rule. She came to the realization that she couldn't help her family or friends from these hamster balls called "force fields". Liam scooted over towards Kate, giving her hand a tight squeeze. She looked at him with sorrow but he returned a strange look to her, a look of hope. Mr. Jacks turned the corner after a few minutes with a gleeful grin. "I may or may not happen to know who is in charge of the fields, they're right this way," Kate and Liam got up and turned the corner to see a castlelike building. They looked in awe at the building. "They just so happen to own the Diamond mansion." Liam highfived his dad and Kate

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