
Counterfeiting And Piracy Of Fashion Design

Good Essays

Counterfeiting and piracy of fashion design are illegal, unethical, takes legitimate profits away from the company, and is not safe. Counterfeiting and Piracy are nearly considered a $450 billion dollar industry (do the right thing, n.d.). It includes selling, producing, and using “fake” or “knockoff” fashion designs and passing them as authentic without rightful permission. When buyers knowingly buy counterfeited goods. They only consider the cheaper price and luxurious look of the mocked product.
Being a Fashionista or feeling like a part of a social status defined by these well-known fashion designers. Buyers do not recognizing the hidden cost. No disclosures or warranties to guarantee the safety of the product. Buyers do not consider …show more content…

This protects fashion designer’s patterns and/or designs they originally create. In 2012 the senate passed a Fashion bill that extends protection for fashion designers, and their copyrighted designs for up to three years.(Hertzfeld, 2013). Infringement occurs when counterfeiters sell and produce fashion designs they do not have the copyrights to.
Designers invest creatively and intellectually to develop their product. This is known as Intellectual property. Intellectual property also includes innovative ideas and thought processes invested by the designer. This includes, but not limited to developing the product, creating the logo, thinking of a name for the product, making sure the quality exceeds expectations, etc. Is not being considered when a buyer pays for knockoff goods and the seller gets the profits. However, a fashion designer’s investment does not stop there.

Trademarking is another way fashion designers invest to protect their designs. Trademarking includes the protection of the packaging, color scheme, and labeling just to name a few, of the designers product. Sellers don’t see the harm in making a little extra money, the companies make millions. Buyers don’t see the harm, because it looks good. However, per CNBC counterfeit goods may have a reputation for poor design, unsafe parts and toxic elements, but consumers don’t seem to mind. No country has been associated with dangerous knock offs more often than

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