
Correct Grammar Is Important in Today's Workplaces

Decent Essays

In today’s work places correct grammar is very important. How does texting and using modern technology to communicate with each other affect our grammar? I believe texting and instant messaging has screwed us in communicating. According to articles written by Susan Adams and Kyle Weins they believe younger generations are struggling with skills necessary to survive the modern workplace. There are many skills needed in work places many of these include communication, editing, listening, and writing. I am going into the field of science for my future career. Many jobs in science require you to speak in front of large groups or person to person. Whichever one it is you need to be able to talk clearly and understandably. As an Environmental …show more content…

What is an Environmental Science and Protection Technician? They are people who study pollution and materials in environments. Many skills are needed to do this job, of these skills correct grammar, communication, and editing skills are needed. For example in communications when you analysis materials in the lab you write down the information and share it with your boss or your colleagues. Also in many cases you will discuss it with clients. In this job you must be able to talk to people with and interact with them. Another skill is grammar, when you write down the results of a test or a summary of your research the grammar must be correct. You share these with clients and other scientists, if you write a summary with incorrect grammar your results could be written off as invalid. If you write a report with wrong grammar you must be able to correct with. These are editing skills; these also can be used when explaining results. Instead of writing scientific jargon you make it understandable to clients. You must be able to understand you own language as well. Each of these skills can help make your job easier and your credibility would stand strong. All together these skills are necessary in this job and many jobs alike.
As an Environmental Science and Protection Technician I would need to communicate with clients or large groups. I need to focus on correct grammar, editing, and speaking skills. These are a few major communication skills necessary because

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