
Corporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children

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Each of the reviews has a different viewpoint on corporal punishment; some of the reviews take a look at who is most affected by corporal punishment in terms of focusing their lens on race, socio-economic status, gender, culture etc. Some also take a critical look at the advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment. Some take a look at the widespread of corporal punishment in the US. Cases against corporal punishment and the effect of corporal punishment on children were also looked into. With all the different ways corporal punishment has been looked into by different research work, there is one common theme every one of them talks about and that is the detrimental effect of corporal punishment on children. Alternative to corporal punishment is what every one of them recommended.
My perspective on this is that discipline has no gender or color. Childhood development stages are phases every child passes through at one time or another, almost with the same level of innocent stupidity. Correcting innocent stupidity should not bring any harm to any child. There are other workable and result oriented alternatives to corporal punishment. With my position as a Mom, I have come to figure out that starting early enough to apply alternative to corporal punishment yields very positive result. The use of corporal punishment in homes and schools has been widely debated. Corporal punishment is harmful to children. It could lead to emotional, psychological and physical problems.

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