
Cormac Mccarthy The Road Analysis

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Choose a novel which deals with the cruelty of human nature.
Discuss how the novelist explores this theme and how it adds to your appreciation of the novel as a whole.

The novel The Road, written by author Cormac McCarthy, is a prime example of the extent that cruelty in human nature can reach. The novel follows the story of a man and his son travelling across a barren landscape after a post-apocalyptic event and the struggles that they encounter. This will be discussed by concentrating on theme, characterisation and setting.

The story focuses on the man and the boy, with the man being the boy's father and protector. The man is very pessimistic in his view of the world, in complete contrast to the boy who is very optimistic and slightly naïve …show more content…

Scampering quickly away from the road, one of the cannibals ventures in the woodland. The man takes the opportunity to question him while holding him at gunpoint with the pistol he carries.

"I'll bet that boy is hungry. Why don't you all just come on to the truck? Get something to eat. Ain't no need to be such a hard-ass."

This quote from the cannibal, after spotting the boy and eyeing him up in a way that the man does not like. The man threatens him several times during the dialogue to stop looking at the boy or he will shoot him, as he obviously feels uneasy by this. The cannibal, obviously believing that he can overpower the man, takes action and tries to take the boy by force, by doing so he forces the man to shot him, using one of only two bullets that they have left. This scene shows the cruelty of human nature, by showing how desperate the cannibal is that he is willing to lie and manipulate, and eventually try to kidnap the boy, in is desperation for his own survival. With this scene we first see how much of a difficult and dangerous place the world is to live in after this cataclysmic …show more content…

The character is that of Ely, an elderly man travelling on his own on the road. When the man and boy first make themselves known to him, he is extremely wary of them being robbers, and he is also shocked to see a child alive, as he has not seen one for some time – telling us that children are a rare thing in this world. While the man tries to get answers out of him, it is the boy (with his more compassionate nature) that realises Ely is afraid of them, and convinces his father to feed the man even going as far to ask if he can keep

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