
Cormac Mccarthy The Road Analysis

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“He knew only that the child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke” (McCarthy, 5). Throughout The Road, written by Cormac McCarthy, the young boy is repeatedly seen as a Christ-like symbol to the man; a sign of hope and good morality. While the man is more occupied with finding food and fending for him and the boy, the boy is much more concerned over other people and their survival. The boy wants to consistently make sure him and his father are still “carrying the fire” and that they’re the “good guys.” Throughout the novel, the reader sees a constant reiteration of the boy’s kind and compassionate heart. Throughout The Road, the boy is not only seen as a symbol of hope to the man, but also to the rest of humanity …show more content…

For example, when the man and the boy find food in the underground bunker and they are eating breakfast, the man asks the boy is he is alright. He replies with, “Do you think we should thank the people?” (145). After the man replies in an unsure way-but then insists the boy should-he thanks the people and apologizes that they never got to eat it themselves. The man finds himself surprised when the boy mentions thanking people and it shows how the boy is compassionate enough to think of others even in the heart of despair. Another example of this is when they come across Ely on the road and the boy pleads to his father to give him food. The last and most evident example of the boy thinking of others before himself is near the end when him and his father come upon the man that stole their cart. The man is furious, insisting the thief take his clothes off and leave the cart in the road. The boy becomes anxious, pleading to his father, “Papa please dont kill the man” (256). After the man and the boy leave with their cart, the boy can’t stop sobbing and pleads to his father, “Just help him, Papa” (259). The boy convinces his father to leave his clothes in the road, showing how his sense of compassion for others has an effect on even his father who is more concerned with

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