
Copper Preparation Lab Report

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4. Describe the procedure for extracting copper from one of its ores. Include relevant chemical reactions, equations and energy considerations involved. Extraction of copper from chalcopyrite (CuFe2) occurs using processes such as: mining & crushing, froth flotation, roasting & smelting and electrolytic refining.

Mining the ore
Copper ore contains approximately 0.5% copper and 99.5% unwanted rock. To help separate the mineral copper from the gangue (sand, rock and other impurities), the ore is crushed and ground to a fine powder form ball mills (0.3mm particle size). Concentrating the ore (froth floatation)
This is the step in which there is the separation of the mineral is and the gangue. Milled ore is then mixed with collectors i.e. water, detergent, and oils. This is then fed into banks of floatation cells or tanks. Here air is blown into the mixture forming bubbles. Copper particles will adhere to the bubbles which rise to the surface. This froth is then removed and put through another series of test where the water and other unwanted chemicals are removed. This then leaves the concentrated metal which is now referred to as the metal concentrate. The ore contains approximately 30% copper after this process. Gangue is removed from the bottom of the tank …show more content…

This is then placed in a furnace that is heated to temperatures up to 1000°C. Combustion of the coal releases heat, the sand and lime act as a fluxing agent, which removes the impurities of the iron, for example Iron (II) silicate. These impurities then float to the top where they are removed and discarded. Copper matte is then formed, a mixture of Copper (I) oxide and copper (I) sulphide which contains about 50-70% copper. The copper matte is then mixed with additional sand and smelted again to produce molten copper metal, about 98% pure. Air is blown through molten copper at 1400°C, converting sulphides to sulphur

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