
Conversion Of Reactants In A Saponification Reaction Lab Report

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The main objective of this lab was to observe the effects of conversion of reactants in regard to temperature and time. The main reactants that were used are ethyl acetate and sodium hydroxide in a saponification reaction. The expected products were sodium acetate and ethanol. This reaction was conducted in a batch reactor in isothermic conditions and adiabatic conditions. The variables of interest in this reaction are Conductivity, temperature, time and concentration.
The reactants used were 400 ml of 5.0% ethyl acetate and 400 ml of 2.3% Sodium hydroxide. This is equivalent to 9.2 grams of sodium hydroxide which has 0.23 moles. The measured conductivity of the sodium hydroxide initially before the start of the experiment was 112.2 mS/cm. The sodium hydroxide was mixed with the acetic ether and recordings of the conductivity were recorded down in intervals of 10 seconds to approximately 3 minutes.
In the experiment conducted, during the adiabatic reaction, a gradual temperature increase was noted over the period. The temperature increase was accompanied by a decrease in the conductivity measured. This is attributed to the increase in conversion percentage of the reactants. The increase in conversion percentage is due to the temperature increase which caused the reaction of the reactants as they form a new product and this consequently causes the temperature increase.
During the isothermic reaction, the temperature of the reaction was maintained at a

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