
Control In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Control is an important theme in literature, and in life. In the majority of William Shakespeare’s famous plays and sonnets, important themes and ideas are subtly introduced to the audience, ones that remain relevant to human life even today. In the majority of William Shakespeare’s famous plays and sonnets, the characters are no strangers to conflict, and often, these subtle themes are the cause. In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, control is to blame for the majority of conflict, as parental and governmental control compels Hermia and Lysander to flee into the wood, magical control provokes conflict between Helena and Hermia, and a prank played on Bottom is the cause of conflict and unrest amongst the workmen. The first example of …show more content…

This is first evidenced when Puck states, “Captain of our fairy band,\ Helena is here at hand,\ and the youth mistook by me,\ pleading for a lover’s fee.\ Shall we their fond pageant see?\ Lord, what fools these mortals be!” (3.2.112-117). Puck has assumed control of Demetrius and Lysander’s love through the use of a magical flower, transferring their affections from one girl unto another, and though such had occurred by mistake, as an infamous prankster, Puck is gleeful with the knowledge of the chaos that would undoubtedly ensue. “And will you rent our ancient love asunder;\ to join with men in scorning your poor friend?\ It is not friendly; ‘tis not maidenly.\ Our sex, as well as I, may chide you for it,\ though I alone do feel the injury” (3.2.220-224). As a result of the boy’s sudden, unexpected change of heart, Helena feels bullied and belittled, believing herself to be the subject of some mean-spirited joke, and when Hermia enters the scene, appearing completely bewildered, Helena decides that Hermia is to blame, and confronts her. “O me! You juggler! You canker-blossom!\ You thief of love! What, have you come by night\ and stol'n my love’s heart from him?” (3.2.296-298). Like Helena, Hermia does not know that Puck and …show more content…

It could be said that, in the instance of Helena and Hermia, their conflict was not caused by control, but by their own love for the boys; that they began fighting upon discovering that Demetrius and Lysander had miraculously become enamored with one girl instead of the other, whom they had previously loved. Although love did indeed play a role in this conflict, it was not the primary cause, as the two boys’ love was being controlled by another. If the four youths had not previously been stuck in a tangled web of affections, this event still would’ve happened in pretty much the same manner, while on the other hand, if control did not exist in this scenario, the entire event wouldn’t have happened. Therefore, control was predominantly responsible for conflict in this case, not love. It could also be argued that love was the main cause of conflict between King Oberon and Queen Titania, but this, too, is an erroneous statement. Critics would opine that Oberon loved Titania, and became jealous when she spent more time with the changeling boy than she did with him. Evidence suggests, however, that Oberon’s jealousy was based more on his controlling nature than his love for Titania; it appears that Oberon was more jealous of the fact that Titania wouldn’t submit to his demands, and unlike him, had a righteous reason for wanting to keep the

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