
Examples Of Control In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Control means to influence, convince or manipulate someone into doing something or thinking/believing what you want. Control is a major theme in A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. In the play, each character tries to make someone else do what he or she wants. One example is Egeus, the father of Hermia. Egeus forces Hermia to marry Demetrius and when she refuses because she’s in love with Lysander, Egeus tries to control her by bringing her to the Duke to be put to death. Another example of control is Demetrius. Helena, Hermia’s best friend, loves Demetrius. However, he doesn't love her back. Demetrius tries to control her by threatening her to leave him alone and doing bad things to her. In the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare proves that someone cannot control another person's actions based on how rebellious the person being controlled is, and that someone's control could be overruled by a …show more content…

Oberon takes over again and when the four fall asleep, he takes the love spell off of Lysander but keeps it on Demetrius. The next morning they are woken up by the Duke, the Duchess, and Egeus. The four are confused but explain why they were in the woods and Demetrius confesses his new found love for Helena. Theaseus tells the lovers that they are lucky to have found him and says to Egeus, “Egeus, I will overbear your will./ for in the temple by and bay with us/ These couples shall eternally knit.” (Shakespeare 4.1.177-179). Egeus loses his control over Hermia as the Duke overpowers his wishes and allows the couples to get married. Even though it may seem like someone is in control of another person, there is always a higher power that can overrule their control. However, in the beginning of the play Shakespeare makes it seem like it is possible to control another person's actions. Both Egeus and Demetrius seem to have succeeded in controlling another person's

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