
Conscious Rap Research Paper

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Hip hop emerged onto the music scene in the late 1970s and has since become one of the largest entertainment genres across the globe. Numerous styles have been created since its birth, spinning off and growing into a reputable form of music. Initially, hip hop was created as a way to deviate from rock and roll using rhyming couplets and electronic beats not aimed for worldwide success. The genre has now grown into one of the most intricate styles of music, requiring mastery of lyrical prominence, along with the use of unique beats and synthetic variations. Fast forward to the current state of hip hop and you will find that two types of rap are prevalent: conscious rap and mumble rap. Conscious rap focuses of the lyrical value and meaning of what …show more content…

Conscious rap can be best linked to three artist who are currently still producing music: Eminem, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar. Each of these artists have built a career around rapping about various issues in today’s society, many of which tend to be very controversial. Eminem emerged in the late 1990s, writing about anything from racial discrimination to women’s equality. J. Cole is able to construct songs about police brutality, along with the broken government system even he falls victim to. Kendrick Lamar has mastered the use of mirror rhyming (rhyming the second to last word of each line while repeating the last word in each line) and has incorporated that into songs about the downfalls of fame and the hardships faced growing up in a drug-ridden household. Each of these artists tell stories with their songs, drawing listeners to walk in their shoes and envision a similar situation to the one they’re singing of. On the other hand, mumble rappers use sub-par lyricism in order to fill the three minute void, repeating the same lines over and over and incorporating an overwhelming amount of “yeah”s and “ooh”s. There are countless mumble rappers in the music industry, but

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