
Conflict Theory: The Impact Of Charter Schools In Arizona

Decent Essays

In Arizona as well as across the United States, the charter school movement is growing at an excelling rate. Why are charter schools growing in popularity so quickly? According to the Arizona Department of Education, charter schools were established to provide a learning environment that would improve academic achievement. Charter schools were also created to provide additional academic choices for parents and students. With charter schools bursting in popularity and so many around, are they causing harm to traditional public schools?

Arizona is one of the countries earliest adopters of charter schools, with the creation of one as far back as 1994. The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools reported that in the …show more content…

The conflict theory views society as composed of different groups and interested in completing for power and resources (Barkan, 2005). The origins of the conflict theory can be traced back to the work of Karl Marx. Mr. Marx explained in his research that individuals and groups within civilization have differing amounts of materials and non-material resources and that the most powerful groups use their power in order to weary groups with less power (Barkan, 2005).
Within the educational system, a conflict that arises is about funding between charter schools and public schools. The funding between the two institutions is not equal. Charter schools receive 18.5 percent less in revenue per student than district schools which equal $1765 less per student (Overview of K-12 Per Pupil Funding for School Districts and Charter Schools, 2015). Some of the reasons why there is a disparity between the two institutions when it comes to funding are that district schools have more overhead expenses such as special education services, transportation, support services, etc. If charter schools receive less funding per student, why is enrollment on the rise? Does funding create successful learning outcomes? Charter schools seek other means to receive funding for students. Some of those include tax dollar credits and parent …show more content…

Symbolic interaction is the distinctive character of interaction as it takes place between human beings (Blumer, 1969). Symbolic interactionism traces its origins to Max Weber’s assertion that individuals act according to their interpretation of the meaning of their world (Roark, Gillard, Wells, Evans, & Mikami Blauer, 2014). Symbolic interaction shows that interaction between students and teacher’s help each develop a set of expectations for that student’s performance both in academic subjects and discipline. Interaction theorists such as George Herbert Mead, Herbert Blumer (student of Mead), Charles Cooley, and W.I. Thomas suggest that the teacher’s expectations of a student’s performance or achievement will actually influence the performance and/or achievement of that student. Parents are looking towards charter schools more so because education can affect what and how a student learns. Parents are asking the simple questions what your school will do to help my child

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