
Conflict Picture Analysis

Decent Essays

For this assignment I decided to draw a picture; a picture that would describe my feelings regarding conflict. These feelings are everywhere. To be honest, I contemplated crumpling up a blank piece of paper or taking a pen and scribbling all over the page because that is how I feel in conflict. But, I decided to draw a picture of myself with all of my surrounding thoughts I have when I am in a difficult situation. I am not writing this to describe the picture I drew because even though it is a representation of how I feel, it does not define how strong my emotions are. There really are no words or phrases to describe the feeling I get when I am in a conflict situation. Of course, this “feeling” varies depending on the severity of the situation. …show more content…

Now that I think about it, I am always in a conflict; whether that is with myself or someone else. My first reaction is to lash out in anger or frustration because then I at least know I have gotten my point across. I go through this phase of anger, lash out, regret, and apology. Something will make me angry to the point where I will say something out of frustration (usually negative), I’ll then think about what I said and realize I shouldn’t have said it, then Ill approach the situation and apologize as needed. I wish I had a better hold on my emotions. I wish I could have control over my mind and thoughts. I wish I could approach a conflict in a calm manner, but I don’t. It isn’t that I can’t, I just choose not to. Sure, it’s difficult. It is difficult to know I will have an impulsive reaction when a conflict comes my way. Believe me, I have tried to “keep my cool”, which is much easier said then done. I do believe that a lot of my reaction to conflict is based off of my childhood with my parent’s divorce and my relationship with my dad. Actually, I learned how to react to conflict situations from him, which makes me sick. It is no excuse, but it needs to

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