
Computer Hackers and Ethics Essay

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What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘hacker’? For most it means stealing information through the Internet, gaining illegal access to another person’s PC, or simply - disruptive behavior using a computer. The subject of hacking is no secret to the general public. Many people have been exposed to it by a bad experience or through the news and media. The idea of hacking that is stuck in the minds of people is that of which they have seen in the movies. The movies portray hackers as young and devious criminals. However, in reality these individuals are, talented people who use their abilities to find new and challenging ways to change how computers work. According to the Cult of the Dead Cow (weird name), a hacking organization, true …show more content…

The phreaker would cut a piece of stiff construction board about twelve inches long and three-eighths of an inch wide and slide into the dime slot as far as it would go. To make a call all you had to do was pick up the phone, wait for a dial tone, and put a penny in the nickel slot. The phone would register the penny as a dime and a free call could be made. Curiosity of how the phone worked led to an interest in the computers that controlled the phones, which in turn led to hacking. Most of the earlier computer break-ins came from company employees seeking revenge or financial gain. For example, in 1971 disgruntled employees of the Honeywell Corporation disabled the Metropolitan Life computer network for a month. And in 1973, a teller from the New York Dime Savings Bank was able to break through the computer system and steal $1 million dollars. Though these were computer crimes, there were also earlier hacks that were beneficial. One of the most successful hacks in history was that of Apollo 13. When the astronauts were in space, they ran into some mechanical problems. The capsule was spinning out of control. The astronauts were losing their air supply and it was getting colder and colder. They were running out of time. Meanwhile, at the NASA headquarters in Houston, TX, one of the managers dragged a large box full of scrap parts, dumped it on the table and told the engineers “this is what

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