
The Ethics Of Computer Ethics Essay

Decent Essays

Computer Ethics “Computer ethics is a branch of applied ethics that considers ethical issues raised or significantly amplified by computer technology.” Moor (2006). Its been stated in several works that computers give people power, which means people have the choice to use this wisely and ethically. While society has benefited from this “power”, there are still ethical concerns that need attention such as privacy of data, security, reliability of data, intellectual property, and accessibility. Mark D. Bowles, Deborah G. Johnson, and H. Lodewyckx all have given their points of view on this wide spread topic, that all seem to have a common ground when it comes to the basic concerns of ethics in computing. In the first chapter of Introduction to digital literacy Bowles highlights five most common ethical issues related to the emergence of computers in society. He states that even though computers were a type of power that they should not be treated any differently from any other technology. With the five issues that he lists, he gives a short explanation of each. In the article Ethics Online by Deborah G Johnson, she breaks down special characteristics of communication in networks describing the benefits and ethical concerns of each. Johnson also states that with technology emerging so fast the law and technological systems will not be able to control human behavior, which she claims the major problem to be. She thinks that the only hope for society is for the individuals

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