Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice Last Thursday was my first day of facilitating a class. In this case it was a citizenship class, I had 22 adult students. I presented myself as the facilitator and explained to them my role. I guess they didn't expect much of me, one of them told me that I were too young to give a class, students were able to categorize me right away. While I was introducing myself, most of the students were talking. I assumed that, because they were adults I wouldn't have trouble guiding them, but I found myself yelling so they could hear me and that was not right either. So, I let them talk and suddenly, they were quiet and I took advantage of that silence. I asked them why they were in the class
It is important to ensure that we meet the need of the students on every level. One effective way to do this is to observe, assess, and record children’s efforts and progress. In this way, an educator can prepare to help a child’s progression in the class. Being able to track and refer to the progress of a child helps to ensure greater levels of success. In the end, our program is only as successful as the children in our care. Record keeping can identify areas that need improvement, and allows us to teach to their strong points.
Kimora acknowledged, “I did not want to eat and her getting stern with me and making me sit at the table just made me start crying uncontrollable.”
In 1889 Jane Adams along with Ellen Gates Starr, as the pioneer or "Mother" of social work opened the doors to Chicago's Hull House, which provided social services that included: child care; education in history, music, and mathematics; a library, employment assistance; as well as many others to immigrant communities in the city (NASW 60th Anniversary Interactive Timeline, 2016). Today, the philanthropic work of two women has become the field of social work, with thousands of professional social workers continuing the work they started. Like everything else, the field of social work has evolved over the years to to become a diverse and expanding field. According to the text “Social Work Values and Ethics” by Fredrick G. Reamer (2013), “at its infancy in the late
QP provided the purpose of this session which was to complete “Contract for Change” from Lesson 7 in SFP.
To provide a developmentally appropriate learning environment that is safe, healthy, respectful and supportive of children and families. For the learning environment to be safe, I ensure that I always check identification, and have parents notify me whenever someone new to the list will be picking up. I always bring my roster with me to ensure I have all my children with me. I do a roll call every time we get to a new area after traveling anywhere away from our room, and before leaving the room. Another way that I make the learning environment safe is by covering all the outlets in the room, and making sure sharp or dangerous objects are put away, and out of the children’s reach. I put cleaning supplies and other chemicals in high locked cabinets.
The preceptee orientation focuses on three different aspects according to Walker, Burk & Tarka (2010).
I have worked in the child care field for 25 years. I started my career at an in-home center. On September 15th, I have worked at the center I currently working at for 20 years. Neither one of the centers were very diverse. The center is NAEYC accredited and respect and encourage diversity.
This was a follow-up consultation but with a different student practitioner from the one the patient had seen before. The practitioner had to fill in a few gaps of details missing from previous consultation, and with the patient being in a rush, the practitioner was very clear and concise with what needed to be done. During the consultation, the practitioner picked up on the patient’s sniffles. Several times she also asked the patient if there is anything else she would like to talk about, and if it feels like they have covered everything. Seeing this student practitioner working with patients always inspires me. Her way of showing genuine interest and making sure the patient feels heard and cared for is something that I want to learn. This
SSgt Yontz Taylor CI/HUMINT Short essay questions 1. In regards to my current assignment as a Combat Instructor, some of the major accomplishments I’ve attained are serving as both a platoon sergeant and a platoon commander for Golf Company. Serving as a platoon sergeant allowed me to bridge the gap between the instructors and the platoon commanders/head shed. Serving as a platoon commander has allowed me to develop more as not only a SNCO, but also as a Marine and give valuable input to the commanding officer in his decision making abilities.
At my placement, we don’t think of children as special needs, we think of them as children with specific and/or additional needs. We aim to give every child equal opportunities. Children in my setting are not singled out because of their different needs. If a child requires 1:1 support we will keep them within the classroom in their groups and they will receive extra support, we do not remove them from their peers and single them out. In order for children to have opportunities for making progress it is important practitioners identify and implement adaptions to ensure the work is accessible to all children.
I have been a Resident Assistant (RA) for about five weeks. Training to be a RA was tiring but very educational. I learned how to handle multiple situations that could happen with me being RA. After training, it was a series of task that I had to complete as a RA. Those task included: completing forty-four Room Inventory Form, putting in fix it tickets, etc.
I have several notable accomplishments in my profession. Probably my most distinguished achievement was in the area of quality improvement.
I learned that I need to take notes while reading and annotate the important sections I feel I will need later. I also found the information about evaluating print and online sources (75) very helpful, Recently I have been struggling with evaluating my research sources properly along with finding the important information through the clusters of text. My initial reaction after I noticed the actual questions I should be asking myself, was to reject it. Yet, I found myself accepting it the longer I read. After I read more in depth about “Assessing an Author's Credentials”, I came to the conclusion that I need to do extensive research on the authors along with the sources themselves. The pages publishers play a big role in the credibility of
Core competencies are the most significant value creating skills within a company and key areas of expertise that are distinctive to a company and critical to the company's long-term growth. Core competencies are the pieces that a company is superior than its competitors in the critical, central areas of the company where the most value is added to its products. These areas of expertise may be in any area from product development to employee dedication. A competence which is central to business's operations but which is not exceptional in some way is not considered as a core competence, as it will not generate a differentiated advantage over rival businesses. It follows from the concept of core competencies; resources that are
In order for a defendant to plead guilty, he or she must understand the circumstances and consequences of their plea. They must understand that if they put in a guilty plea, they are agreeing with the fact that they did the crime. Depending on how gruesome the crime is that was committed the attorney and judge can send the defendant out for a psych evaluation. Once at the psych evaluation the psychologist will ask the accused a series of questions. The doctor will look at the accused past and current situation to help understand more about the patient. The psychiatrist will help the court understand if a person is fit to stand trial. Everyone wants to know if the accused is capable of making decisions on his behalf.