
Compatibilism Vs Determinism

Decent Essays

Sartre's perspective on freedom is “We will freedom for the sake of freedom. And through it, we discover that our freedom depends entirely on the freedom of others and that their freedom depends on ours. Those who hide their freedom behind deterministic excuses, I will call cowards. Those who pretend that their own existence was necessary, I will call scum”. In other words, Sartre’s believes that freedom is absolute, and the existence of one's freedom. Every man values stand for themselves, as the freedom is the foundation of each individual's values. Human freedom is made up of consciousness ability to get out of the sense that human beings can not pass to be free. Sartre also mentions that from freedom, one is able to change its attitude …show more content…

Compatibilists believe that “freedom can be present or absent in situations for reasons that have nothing to do with metaphysics”. Whereas deterministic believe that no human being have free will, they cannot grasp morally responsibility for their actions they have done. Knowing the difference between compatibilists and determinists, I think Sartre is closer to the compatibilist position because compatibilists believe that free will and determinism are both compatible ideas. Sartre states, “ For if indeed existence precedes essence, one will never be able to explain one’s action by reference to a given and specific human nature; in other words, there is no determinism—man is free, man is freedom”. This quote by Sartre supports what position he stands towards, and that is definitely compatibilists because man is free. But each man only has freedom from themselves, one cannot receive freedom from another person, but completely from itself, as stated by Sartre, “but will his freedom, at the same time I realize that I cannot will the freedom of others. Thus, in the name of that will to freedom which is implied in freedom

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