
Comparing Twins

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Twins are two offspring produced during the same pregnancy. There are two types of twins: identical and fraternal. Identical twins are developed from just one fertilized egg , which forms to become a zygote, and later splits to form two embryos. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, each develop from a unique sperm cell. Identical twins must be the same sex, either two males or two females. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, can be either the same sex or one of each.

In single-offspring pregnancies males are five percent more common than females. However, in twin pregnancies, females are more common than males. This is because males are already more likely to die in utero than females, and twin pregnancies are also more susceptible than single-offspring pregnancies. Combine these two factors together, and it's no surprise that twin females are much more common than male twins. …show more content…

This means that they share the same set of genetic instructions. However, they are not clones. In cloning, a embryo is scientifically engineered, split, and implanted, while identical twins occur naturally. However, the similarities can cause many to refer to identical twins as "natural clones'.

Many people get confused about fraternal twins, and can sometimes assume that twins of the same sex are identical, simply because they look alike. As discussed above, identical twins are not identical because they look identical. Identical twins are identical because of how they develop. Likewise, fraternal twin's development determines what type of twin they are. Fraternal twins develop from two separate, fertilized eggs. Fraternal twins, then, share much less of the same genetic material than identical twins. In fact, they share about the same as the average pair of siblings from a single-offspring

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