
Comparing The Indus And The Shang Dynasty

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The Indus and Shang Dynasty are one of the many civilizations/empires we study and learn about today. As time progresses, they became more advanced in terms of inscriptions, agriculture, government, science and technology, etc. The Indus and the Shang are harmonic to each other; they share similarities. But, there’s also a distinction between the two. Agriculture was essentially part of their economic system in both empires. Although the Indus used irrigated agriculture, it’s the same concept; the cultivation of soil for growing crops and rearing animals to provide food, wool , and other products. They both cultivated many crops and herded animals. With agriculture being a immense accord, trading flourished throughout the city to other neighboring cities. Despite both having religions, it was practiced in different ways. The Indus had ritual bathings; religious ceremony involving the use of water to immerse or anoint the body. The Shang Dynasty on the other hand used human sacrifices to worship their gods. Their various ways of offering the body includes, beheading the person, splitting the body in half, dismembering the bodies, etc. These offerings were often made to bless houses or to ensure their god of happiness. The Indus however, weren’t as brutal. …show more content…

The Indus and The Shang’s are no exception, but there was also buried differences. The Indus had no king or warrior classes. It is suggested that all was divided equally among the people although the answer is still unknown. The idea of an early caste system is looked upon during its reign. Nonetheless, The Shang’s were very distinctive. Their social class was extremely uneven. It can be inferred that it was based upon family and wealth, making the slaves take the bottom of the pyramid. The extremely wealthy were treated as if they were descendants of gods, while the slaves were deemed as

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