
Comparing Poems 'My Country And The New True Anthem'

Decent Essays

A voice of protest is important as it brings out a voice for the voiceless. This is evident in the quote “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty, truth and compassion against injustice, lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth” and in the poems ‘My Country’ by Dorothea Mackellar and ‘The New True Anthem’ by Kevin Gilbert.They show a voice of protest through the use of poetic techniques which show the importance of a voice of protest. Kevin Gilbert’s The New True Anthem shows a voice of protest through the quote “The scarred black bodies writhing humanity locked in chains which shows the poetic techniques of alliteration. This quote is aimed at the Aboriginals. This quote emphasises that the owners of this land, The Aboriginals are being killed and locked up in prison. Kevin Gilbert is an Aboriginal and is fighting for his people’s rights. This show the importance of a voice as Kevin Gilbert sees how Aboriginals didn’t do anything wrong and are getting treated poorly/ The use of alliteration further justifies that a voice of protest is important in society as brings out confidence for others who want to speak out but just can’t. …show more content…

This is evident in the repetition of ‘I love’. The repetition of ‘I love’ emphasises the happiness and splendour that Australia has. Dorothea wants the society to pride themselves as Australia is a loved country because of it’s uniqueness and nature. The use of repetition in this poem shows the importance of a voice of protest when people don’t want to speak out and pride their country and is encouraging others to do the

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