
Comparing Hinduism And Hinduism

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Post-Jesus’s death Paul created a mission preaching the teaching of Christianity. The acts of Paul spread the belief of Jesus to Jerusalem and Israel. After three years of studying Jesus’s life, he realized that his life was all a deific plan. Paul also realized that, “Jesus was a cosmic figure who entered the world in order to renew it” (Molloy, 344). Paul arranged his focus to be more of the meaning of Jesus and what he calls the cosmic Christ. Dissimilar to Christianity, Hinduism is portrayed as a family of beliefs. “Hinduism unites the worship of many gods with a belief in a single divine reality” (Molloy, 75). Hinduism can be compared to that of the Ganga Ma, a significant river in the Indian culture. Comparing it with the river saying that it flows and gains momentum. The Hindus have four very important life goals; kama or pleasure, artha or economic security, dharma or social and religious duty, and moksha or complete freedom. While Hinduism consist of more than one god, individuals tend to focus on a particular god. Three gods are particularly central in the life of Hinduism. The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, represent creation, preservation, and destruction. (Molloy, 75). Brahma is the god of creation. In today’s world, he is the least worshipped god in India. There are only two temples in all of India dedicated to him (Brahma). Brahma has a unique look, with four heads and four arms. The second god, Vishnu, is the god of preservation. Thus far in

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