
Comparing Gender Roles In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

Have you ever heard someone say to you or someone you know something similar to the following? “Oh, you’re a girl so you can’t do this.” or “This is for girls, so you can’t play with it” These kinds of statements are said all the time in our culture. Even children, then innocence of our society, can be the authors of these sayings. It is because of what they were taught. Girls are told to be princesses, mermaids and fashionistas while the boys are taught to be superheroes, firefighters and pirates. There is only one explanation for it− gender roles. We let our gender be a controller to determine specific aspects of our lives. It is learned at a young age. These roles are what society perceives to be the norms for each gender. They demonstrate …show more content…

In Of Mice and Men, Curley’s wife is the only woman present in the novella. She is a beautiful woman of elegant clothing, a face of flawless makeup and done-up hair. Throughout the novella she is only referred to as “Curley’s wife”. She is never given a name and is only recognized by the role she plays- being a wife. In an encounter with Lennie, Candy and Crooks, Curley’s wife shares her lifelong dream for the first time with anyone. Before she was married to her husband Curley, she dreamed of being in Hollywood movies after she had met a man with film experience. She admits, “He was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural… Coulda been in the movies, an' had nice clothes- all them nice clothes like they wear (Steinbeck 44).” This was her biggest aspiration in life but instead she, with a heart of broken dreams, settled and married Curley. She didn’t want to be housewife and be married. She preferred to go against the standard gender roles and become an actress. But, she turned to the expectations, became a wife and gave up her happiness. As seen by her constant wandering, she is lonely and begging for attention. In the case of Curley’s wife, the gender role beliefs destroyed her self-pride and personal

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