
How Is Curley's Wife Presented In Of Mice And Men

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Fabrizio Moreira once said “The American dream is that any man or woman, despite his or her background, can change their circumstances and rise as high as their willingness to work.” This is not always the case. In society, people cant always achieve the American dream because of their race or gender. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the theme that people can't always achieve their dreams because of stereotypes is seen through the characterization and internal conflict of Curley's wife, Crooks and Lennie. The internal conflict of Curley's wife supports the theme of stereotypes that people may not be able to achieve their dreams. Curley's wife gets stereotyped a lot throughout the story since she is the only woman on the ranch, causing her to be called names like tramp and other derogatory terms throughout the story. For example, when Curley’s wife is talking to Lennie she states, “Whatta they think I am, anyways? Your a nice guy i dont know why i cant talk to you” (Steinbeck). Curley's wife is mad and is confused why she can't talk to anybody because she is the only woman there and is mad that she is automatically bad. All she wanted was friends and shortly after she dies unable to reach her dreams.Curleys wife is the only woman and her dreams got crushed multiple times throughout her life of wanting to be an actor. …show more content…

Crooks is the only black person on the ranch so he gets stereo typed and segregated alot. Another example is when Crooks was talking to Lennie. When he is talking to Lennie he states, “They play cards in there but i cant because im black” (Steinbeck). Crooks cant play cards with anybody because he is black and people are stereotyping him and things. And needed to have people around him to be happy.Crooks is the only black man on the ranch so he gets stereo typed the most and

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