
Comparing Epic Of Gilgamesh And Noah

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Compare/Contrast of “Gilgamesh” and “Noah” “The Epic of Gilgamesh” has been a huge interest in people since the nineteenth-century with its theme of a universal flood and is parallel to the story Noah and the flood. The Epic of Gilgamesh dates back to 2000 b.c. and “Noah and the flood” dates to 400 b.c. People have many different myths on how the world was created while these two myths focus on a flood that destroys mankind. “There have been numerous flood stories identified from ancient sources scattered around the world.The stories that were discovered on cuneiform tablets, which comprise some of the earliest surviving writing, have obvious similarities”(“Flood…”). The stories have many similarities and differences but the three main ones being the flood, the boats and the background stories …show more content…

In the epic of gilgamesh, the flood is only six days while compared to a long period of forty days long in Noah and the flood. The gods in the epic of gilgamesh flooded mankind because they were being too loud while they were sleeping.”The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel’. So the gods agreed to exterminate mankind” (“Epic…”) So while Utnapishtim was sleep, the gods told him to build a boat. In the story Noah and the flood, God himself tells Noah to build a boat because he is going to flood the work for forty days and night for man’s wickedness.(“The lord saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth, how every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil all the time” (Noah…” 171). Noah listens to God and builds the

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