
Comparing Confucius And Siddhartha Gautama

Decent Essays

Whether rich or poor, leaders have the power to change the world as long as they have the passion to do so. Confucius and Siddhartha Gautama were both influential guiders whose ideas contrasted and overlapped. They transformed and modified the way certain people live and prospect things. Confucius’s train of thoughts were necessary to end the boundless hostility and warfare around him, while the Buddha sought enlightenment and the elimination of suffering.
Confucius’s ideology included the belief that people behave exceptionally because it's in their spirit to do so. Incredibly, with the cruel, bloody wars surrounding him, he was able to have this set of mind. He desperately looked for ways to bring structure to deal with those devastating times. Education and intelligence bring people together and he believed that everyone should have the opportunity to learn. From then on, a person's position in the social hierarchy hinged on their education, rather than their birth. Being raised in a violent society, he sought peace and enlightenment. His empowering thoughts punched brutal wars right out of the way. While Confucius was raised in struggling times, the Buddha had a great life ahead of him as someone not only at …show more content…

Desperate for change, they did all in their powers to transform the way humanity lived. They spread their virtuous thoughts throughout their societies with superb intentions. Born in the Indian subcontinent, Buddhism is one of the largest practices in the world today. The Buddha’s teachings have spread drastically from one end of the world to the other. While Buddhism focuses on the concept of suffering, Confucianism explores ways to obtain social harmony. According to Confucius, humanity is far from evil; however, Siddhartha Gautama implied that life is full of suffering. The caste system laid division amongst the people who were believed to be united, by the

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