
Comparing Bibi And Rabin

Decent Essays

Comparison essay task: Political leaders- similarities and differences.

We all know that political points of view are usually very divided, and sometimes they’re not. The Israeli political system has been through a lot over the years and we can see it through history. Leaders have changed and are changing, each one brings his own policy to the government and try to instill the changes he is believe in. We can see it on Bibi’s Netanyahu policy today and Yitzhak’s Rabin policy back then.

Bibi’s ideology and Rabin’s ideology are different ones. First of all, we can see it by their distribution of their parties. Bibi is on the so called right wing- Likud party and he takes different steps about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. For example, the peace conversations that right now are on hold. In contrast Rabin was at the so called leftist Labor party- Havoda. In his all term of office he tries to make peace around us in the middle east and eventually signed a peace agreement with Jordan- a move that aroused intense polemics with the protracted political process and the terrorist attacks that accompanied it. …show more content…

Bibi believes in free market, he raised the level and the values of free economy and privatization and his first government shortened a number of achievements in this aspect. Even today despite the high cost of living, Israel economic rate by the credit rating agency is A+ (high and stable economic country level). Similarly, Rabin in his term of office has caused a number of significant changes in the field as well. Like the tax reform preparation and imposition of value added tax. Despite the high inflation in the world, Rabin managed to maintain a low level of unemployment throughout his tenure as prime minister and even increased public

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