
Comparing A Rose For Emily And A Doll's House

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A Comparison of Two Literary Works In order to create a logical and interesting product, a literary work consists of elements such as: theme, plot, figurative language, characters, etc. The writer of the short story “A Rose for Emily,” is a man named William Faulkner. Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897, in New Albany, Mississippi. He is known for many of his literary works and is a 1949 Nobel Prize winner. “A Rose for Emily” is a product of the South’s growth following the Civil War. In addition, the writer of the play A Doll House is a playwright named Henrik Ibsen. He was born on March 20, 1828, in Skien, Norway. He is identified as a literary hero in Norway. …show more content…

The narrator in “A Rose for Emily” states, “Miss Emily just stared at him, her head tilted back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looked away and went and got the arsenic and wrapped it up” (Faulkner 734). This quote is an explanation of the reaction Emily has when the druggist asks what she needs to buy the arsenic for. She chooses to keep her reasoning quietly to herself, leaving his mind in a state of looming curiosity. Then the narrator adds, “Now and then we would see her in one of the downstairs windows- she had evidently shut up the top floor of the house…” (Faulkner 734). Emily stays in her home, letting no one know of her reasoning or of her sickness. Also, she closes-up the upstairs, which is another secretive action that the towns people do not understand. Similarly, in A Doll House, Doctor Rank is concerned with Nora’s well-being, and she replies, “It’s only some- it’s my new dress” (Ibsen 1476). She lies to Doctor Rank, adding that she is bothered by her new dress. She is truly thinking about the calling card that the maid had just handed her. Additionally, Nora tells Kristine Linde, “…I’m telling you: nobody else has known about this…” (Ibsen ). She talks to her about the secret she has kept from every person she is acquainted with. This secret is about forging her father’s name on the loan she received from Krogstad. This secrecy builds suspense on what each character will …show more content…

The result of these characteristics give each story suspense and mystery, leaving the readers wondering what each character will do next and what further action will take place. Characters hold a primary role in determining the outcome of a story, which is the reasoning behind the many similarities and differences among literary characters. Also, a clear example is the similar plots with two completely different outcomes. Once the audience understands a character, they are capable of building on their existing knowledge to foreshadow events or understand the text more logically, which is evident when reading these

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