
Compare/Contrast Standards

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Running head: COMPARING TEACHER STANDARDS Comparing Teacher Standards Jennifer A. Young Grand Canyon University SPE- 529N Special Education Foundations and Frameworks 03/21/11 Comparing Teacher Standards | State Specific Standards & NCLB | NBPTS | CEC | INTASC | Teacher Qualifications | CONTENT KNOWLEDGE & SKILL-Teachers have in-depth understanding of the content they plan to teach.-Teachers provide multiple explanations and instructional strategies.-Teachers are leaders and mentors in schools and communities.-Teachers reflect on their practice and make necessary adjustments to enhance student learning.Qualified Educators-Teachers have earned different levels of degrees in education and have had experience in a classroom …show more content…

This will also promote a student to work independently.Different ways of Learning-Teachers will provide more than one way for each child to learn appropriately.-Teacher will recognize that each student is different and come from a different background in life, so several outlooks on certain subjects will be used. | Individual Learning -Teachers understand each student has a unique learning style and require uniqueness in being taught.-Teachers will need to be resourceful and try different ways to teach.-Teachers will seek student’s background and use those resources to best reach that student’s teach ability level.-By delving into a student’s background, the teachers can provide each student with a meaningful and challenging learning environment.Learning Environment & Social Skills-Teachers will produce actively engaged students through fostering environments in which diversity is valued and individuals live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse society.-Teachers “shape environments to encourage the independence, self-motivation, self-direction, personal empowerment, and

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