
Banking Method Of Education

Good Essays

The “banking” method is a widely accepted form of education. It has gained popularity through the creation of modern school. As children, most of us ran wherever our feet could take us even though it sometimes put us in danger. We were born with a curious soul and school is the place where we are supposed to be able to safely pursue knowledge. The banking method used in schools, however, is what hinders us from expanding our intelligence. As we get older, most of us feel less and less excited to go to school because we know we won’t be exploring all we could or how we want to explore a certain topic.
The one thing I seem to have learned from school is that we keep getting harder work every year. Countless subjects are forced into our skulls …show more content…

This solution is given by Freire to reform how education is currently. This method describes that teachers will be the students at times and the students will be the teachers at other times. In other words, the relationship switches and both sides benefit. The learning comes from real world situations and not just weird made up stories that school books give us. I want to be involved with others and learn with them so I can share what I know whenever I am having a conversation. I might not like every subject as much as others, but it’s important to know about it so you can talk with the people who do like that subject a lot. Also, the teacher isn’t just filling information into the student so the student can pass the class, learning nothing, and move on in life. The purpose of school is supposed to be increasing our knowledge of things that we will apply in our daily life, not just memorization. I want to do independent studies more often, in all classes, so I can become more engaged. I am definitely more of a visual learner too. For example, if I was doing a lab in chemistry and we were showing something about atoms, we could use beads that represent atoms even if we can’t handle the real thing. I don’t want to spend the rest of my student life dreading class because I will have to memorize pointless subjects. The future for great schools lies in inquiry rather than simply retaining for a …show more content…

Freire states that, “The contents, whether values or empirical dimensions of reality, tend in the process of being narrated to become lifeless and petrified” (Freire 240). He makes it seem that the current method of education has completely left us like robots. Freire is right in the fact that the intention of class topics are supposed to be “real world situations”, but usually don’t tie in with real life. What I don’t agree with is that he’s saying students become lifeless and scared by having to learn different subjects narrated by their teachers. My interests may not be deeply rooted in all subjects, that doesn’t mean I get scared about new topics. Students, including myself, don’t seem to be walking around like a zombie after coming out of English class. We have lives outside of school so whether or not school “dehumanizes” us, we definitely don’t look lifeless to many. He claims we become “‘receptacles’ to be filled by the teacher” (Freire 240). This seems like a one-way sort of thinking. Based on his experiences, Freire makes a biased statement that everyone is just being filled. If this were the case, we wouldn’t talk in class or come up with ideas or thoughts of own. They might not be encouraged, but the banking method doesn’t completely block out all creativity of our

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