
Compare Contrast River Valley Civilization

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River Valley civilizations changed a lot from the Neolithic time period, becoming more developed and elaborate. The ancient world between 1500 and 500 BCE became more complex and would share more commonalities than differences, socially, politically, and economically.
Each River Valley civilization was unique, but they all had similar aspects in regards to social matters. Most of the religions people had were polytheistic, the belief in more than one God. However, most Mesopotamians believed in Judaism and Indians were Hindu. In this time period, people developed their religious concepts into complex beliefs, leading to more religion diversity. Because each River Valley civilization revolved around religion, priests and other nobles were the most respected. Civilizations had rigid social class systems that were similar to each other. Priests and other leaders were most esteemed, then warriors, then farmers, and lastly slaves. Not only did people in the middle class partake in agriculture, but they had other specialized jobs, including merchants, herders, and artisans. …show more content…

Most of the regions were led by only one ruler including; monarchs, pharaohs, and emperors. These rulers did not lead their civilizations lightly and were very willing to fight. For example, Chou, the leader of Shang fought constantly with nearby tribes, resulting in weakening the military. Sometimes leaders’ dictatorship and militaristic ways did not pay off in helping their civilizations. Not only was Chou authoritarian, but in the Indus River Valley, a strict code of laws was created, called Hammurabi’s Code. Hammurabi’s Code was the first set of almost complete laws ever created, leading there to be strict order systems later on in the future. Mesoamerica and India, which were city states were the only non centralized

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