
Compare And Contrast The Hobbit Vs Lord Of The Rings

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Few books are as imaginative, and exciting as the J.R.R. Tolkien series of books involving the adventures of mythical creatures that include hobbits, wizards, orcs, and one very cranky fire-breathing dragon. The Hobbit is both a stand-alone story and an introduction to the Tolkien world and more stories involving many more characters and adventures, including The Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit is one book about a well-defined adventure of one small set of characters, while The Lord of the Rings is a trilogy of books that are much more complex and involve many more characters. Several key characters in The Hobbit including Bilbo, Gandalf, and Gollum are also found in The Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit is about one hobbit aided by some dwarves, fairies, and one wizard going on an adventure to find treasure and one very important ring. The Lord of the Rings is about no less than the saving of the world and all of mankind from destruction and enslavement by the darkest and most evil of characters. The story, plot, and movie adaptation of The Lord of the Rings are greater than that of The Hobbit. …show more content…

The Lord of the Rings, even though still an adventure, is an epic and has more storyline, emotion and meaning behind it. The Hobbit is just a setup for the Lord of the Rings. Tolkien was able to incorporate more of his world in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, a world that he had spent years creating. The Hobbit is more of a children’s story, while Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings story as an adult story with more expansive detail. So if you want an easier quick read I suggest that you read The Hobbit, but more advanced readers The Lord of the Rings is your cup of

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