
Compare And Contrast Texas Vs Tex Mex

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Authentic Mexican vs Tex-MexAuthentic Mexican and Tex-Mex are two different versions of Mexican food. Tex-Mex has been around since the 1950’s, but authentic Mexican food has been around since the year 300. Tex-Mex is basically an American type of Mexican food and Authentic Mexican food is real Mexican food.Tex-Mex was made by the first Spanish settlers that came to Texas. Tex-Mex food is most common in Southern parts of the United States. For Example, Texas and New Mexico are two states that have a lot of Tex-Mex restaurants. Authentic Mexican food is most common in the middle of Mexico, in cities like Mexico City and Puebla.The two types of foods have some similarities. Both Tex-Mex and Authentic Mexican make

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