
Compare And Contrast Soldier's Home By Ernest Hemingway

Decent Essays

One might find themselves reading for pleasure to learn about an interesting time or place, or just to pass time. Now how will the style of the writer make a store interesting to a reader? We will look at two author style of writing from an early time. Ernest Hemingway style of writing is said to show masculine and Katherine Mansfield style of writing shows feminine. Let examine by looking at a short store from each author.

First looking at Hemingway’s: “Soldier’s Home” is a story that place in Kansas, after World War I around 1919. The main character Harold Krebs return home sometime after the war feeling disoriented and empty inside. Krebs, tries to return to his old life, living with parents and sisters. No one in the family notice his post-war trauma and depression. He feels that he cannot love anymore and that …show more content…

Miss Brill goes to the park every Sunday and sit in her special seat. She does this to get away from her dull, dreary life and shabby apartment. While sitting in the park her mind fights with illusion versus reality from the band to the people. She is hearing what she wants to hear and thinking what she wants to think. Her pathetic attempt to build a fantasy life to protect her from the harsh facts of her existence. The people range from couples, men, women, and children all there going about their own business. One couple does notice her but they make negative remarks about her. Gradually she realizes that these people are looking down on her and she returns to her little apartment ashamed and lonely. There the old fur goes back in the box it came out of. Mansfield writes with a unique manner, very descriptive and imagery. Her development of this character was parallel to the fox fur coming out the box and going back

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