
Compare And Contrast Letters And I Want A Wife

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Women and men have always been depicted as socially, physically, and overall different; men are superior and women inferior. In both “Letters” by John and Abigail Adams and “I Want A Wife” by Judy Brady, women are belittled and thought of to be of very little importance.John makes it sound like the county and its needs are more important than his wife Abigail. Brady talks about how a woman, a wife is thought of by their spouse or husband; that they are easily replaceable. “It is very true, as you observe they have been duped by Dunmore. But this is a Common Case. All the Colonies are duped, more or less, at one Time and another” (John 537).He is basically telling Abigail that the country will be ok no thanks to her that she has no place. “...

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