
Compare And Contrast: Judges And Ruth

Decent Essays

Judges and Ruth: Judges and Ruth have various concepts to compare and contrast. Though, the concepts of both books come to a similar conclusion, that everything is about God and His covenant, the movements of the people and how this idea is portrayed are totally diverse from each other. Judges shows how the Israelites rebelled against God and had to be brought to a level that there was a risk of extinction, and Ruth shows how, during this same time, some were still loyal to God and His covenant. As the Hebrew people failed to remain faithful to the covenant, they come to be oppressed by foreigners. The analogical conclusions of both books demonstrate Gods providential work in the Hebrew people, and the faithfulness of, some, families and God (Yahweh) to the covenant made at Sinai. …show more content…

Their engagements stand more comparable near those of the pagans. They stood worshiping and sacrificing to various deities and did not stay factual to the truth that was revealed by their birthright to the covenant. The covenant’s promise conveyed punishment for the Hebrews disobedience, carrying Hebrew oppression, which brought the Hebrews to their knees to Yahweh pleading for help. God mercifully answered the Hebrew’s request by raising a “judge”, or “redeemer”, to make things right again. This oppression by foreigners existed by what method God showed their requirement to stay faithful to the covenant. In the book, “A Survey of the Old Testament”, the authors said the “cycles of the Judges period” would happen several times, consequently, demonstrating the main purpose of the book of Judges: God’s faithfulness to His covenant (Hill and

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