
The Similarities Between James And Ruth

Decent Essays

Both James and Ruth had contrasting experiences throughout their school years. While Ruth, raised from a Jewish family, went to an all Jewish school. Ruth claimed that they had a white school and a black school and a Jewish school. Her father didn’t want Ruth to go to a white school, but because her Jewish school didn’t count, she got her education at Thomas Jefferson Elementary. Ruth stated that going to school was a problem for her because “...the white folks hated Jews...”(McBride 80). The white kids would always tease her and she didn’t have anyone to talk to. In Suffolk, there was always discrimination against the Jews and the only people who were allowed to own property were white people. Not even the Jews hung out with each other, because …show more content…

One main contrast was that Ruth had to go to a white school in order to receive the best education, and James had to go to a Jewish school. At his school, James claimed that, “...because of [his] own experience with Jewish teachers and classmates-some who were truly kind, genuine, and sensitive, others who could not hide their distaste for [his] black face...”(McBride 87). Like his mother, James also got ridiculed by some white people at his school. But that didn’t matter to Ruth because she only wanted her children to get the same education as other Jews. She loved how Jews would raise their children, so she tried to raise her own children in the best manner. James and his other siblings were neat, kind, and very smart. Unlike Ruth, James didn’t have a best friend who accepted him for who he was, instead he had an imaginary friend in the mirror. “To further escape from painful reality, I created an imaginary world for myself. I believed my true self was a boy who lived in the mirror”(McBride 90). James was ashamed of his mother for not being black and so he came up with an alter ego. His siblings were the only people who stuck by his side and they also had to go to Jewish schools. As James grew older, he began to realize the trouble that his mother went through in order to protect him from the white folks. Because of this, he learned to respect his mother more and appreciate all the things she has done for him

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