
Compare And Contrast Creon Vs. Oskar Schindler

Decent Essays

Tragic hero to me is a character that makes a judgement error then tries making a recovery in the end. In the comparison of Creon vs. Oskar Schindler I feel that Creon was a tragic hero but Schindler however was not. Schindler falls under many categories of a tragic hero but I think he was more of just a hero. Schindler was not a tragic hero due to no error in judgement, he didn't discover fate he chose it, and he wasn't prideful. Creon's error in judgement was when he arrested Antigone for what he thought was a crime. Schindler had no error in judgement. Things happen for a reason. In the beginning Schindler may not have realized what he was doing. He was just taking the Jews and making them work for him. There is no flaw in that. …show more content…

Schindler had money and new where to play it to get what he wanted but he wasn't putting himself above others due to royalty. Schindler really wasn't even royalty he bought his way into the Nazi party he wasn't a German ranked in it. In Antigone, Creon uses being king as a way to set the rules for himself. Between him and the gods the rules were set and that was what he was sticking with. Creon thought he knew the right way to judge a situation based on what the rules have always been and turned away any one who tried to help him. Schindler on the other hand was like a big teddy bear. An example was when the lady came to his office and said she wanted her parents at his shop so that they didn't get burned in the gas chambers. Schindler said he couldn't do it because his shop was not a safe haven. The next day her parents were escorted to the shop. This is where Schindler is different than Creon. Schindler listens to the people to help keep peace. Another example of this is when he goes to the basement to talk to Helen Hirsch. He is open to input and ideas to figure out what his plan should be. Creon just pushes people away because he things he knows what's

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