
Compare And Contrast Audubon And Dillard

Decent Essays

Rhetorical Analysis Group Essay

John James Audubon and Annie Dillard, both established writers, expertly describe their experiences observing a flock of birds. Their evaluations go in depth in the form of both a physical description of events and well as the emotions exposed from those events. Although both of the authors use rhetorical strategies to enhance their writing, they convey their message making different stylistic choices.

Audubon and Dillard both use imagery to describe their experiences as the bird were flying overhead. Audubon uses counts and gives the reader an order and picture in which the birds came through. Dillard approached this by using more emotion and awe when describing the scene. Dillard states “I stood with difficulty, bashed by the unexpectedness of this beauty…”. Both authors share how intrigued they are by the birds even if their responses were …show more content…

They both are amazed at the numbers of the flock that they observed, stating “in greater numbers than I thought I had ever seen them before” (Passage 1) and then rephrased in “The flight extended like a fluttering banner, an unfurled oriflamme, in either direction as far as I could see.” (Passage 2). The difference between the two writing styles is one uses a direct and straightforward use of tone through phrases like “In the autumn of 1813...from north-east to south-west...I dismounted, seated myself on an eminence” (Passage 1). These phrases show no emotion but simply describe the action or the setting. The other style is the reciprocal of this direct approach, having a childlike curiosity and questioning its surroundings in phrases like “unexpectedness of this beauty...Could tiny birds be sifting through me right now, birds winging through the gaps between my cells, touching nothing, but quickening in my tissues, fleet?” (Passage

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