
Communication Thesis Statement

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Thesis Statement: Internal Communication is important to my major which is Human Services because in order for a counselor to be an effective counselor, a counselor must be aware of themselves before they can have sessions with a client. Meaning a counselor can and should be aware of their unresolved conflicts and issues so countertransference won’t happen. Countertransference is when a counselor projects emotions toward a client.
I always ask myself “what motivates me to be a counselor?” There can be numerous answers to that question. Things that motivate people to become a counselor can be experiencing a sense of amusement from being with individuals who are struggling to overcome self-understanding and who are willing to experience pain …show more content…

Counselors should know about the likelihood of working mainly to be valued by others as opposed to progressing in the direction of the best interest of the client. When a counselor is in denial of their own problems, you will probably be not able to focus on the dealings of your client especially if their problems are similar to a counselors’. A counselor will experience issues helping a client in a range you are hesitant or dreadful to take a gander at in your own life. It is imperative for a counselor to perceive the subjects that make him or her bitter, not only the clients, but rather the counselors’ own life …show more content…

Unknowingly a counselor may react a certain type of way towards a client because of what the client is sharing with the counselor. A counselor’s unresolved issues can lead the counselor to steer a client away from those areas that open up the therapist’s own pain and cause the session to be more about the counselor rather than the client. In this position, a counselor is more likely to give advice to a client. The opportunity to give a client advice seats the counselor in a superior position, and they may delude themselves into the idea that they have answers for their clients.
Internal communication is all about being aware of yourself, who you are, why you make certain decisions, how you can affect someone else. Human services is the same way. In order for you to be an effective counselor you must know who you are, you must be aware of decisions you make. When you are thinking about becoming a counselor you must know what will be your triggers, you must know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to counseling a client in sessions on various

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