Common Misconceptions Throughout the world, we hear so many stories that are told to be true and we believe them for hundreds to thousands of years. Sadly, most of the stories are fabricated or are common myths. For example, In the Book of Genesis the forbidden fruit that is mention is commonly assumed to be an apple. Another misconception is you need to wait an hour after eating before you can swim safely.
As said in the beginning, The Book of Genesis says that the fruit that Eve was tempted to eat was an apple. Throughout all of the western art of Adam and Eve the mysterious fruit is an apple. In the bible, on Genesis 2:15-17, God said: “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” In the Bible, it does not even mention what type of fruit it was. So where did the idea of it being an apple come from? After of hundreds and hundreds of years after Jesus died on the cross, both Testaments were translated into Latin. It is highly likely that the apple comes from a medieval pun: The Latin word for “evil” is malum and the Latin word for “apple” is malus. Today, Latin is considered to be a dead language because no one really speaks it anymore, well at least openly.
So, could the Latin be right about the apple being the
Things change when the serpent appeared to Eve and talked her into eating from the exact tree that God commanded them to eat from. Genesis 3:6 says, “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate” (NIV). This is where the root of all human problems began. This is why all humans are born as sinners.
The story of Adam and Eve is simple. God created man and gave him a wife and all the animals, along with the Garden of Eden. The only rule was that they could not eat the fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or the tree of Life (Genesis 2:8-3:24). Eve, tempted by evil, ate from the tree anyway and let her husband eat from it too.
The book of Genesis records the creation of the world and everything in it, as well the early relationship between God and humanity. God creates man, Adam, “from the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2:7) and places him in a paradise on Earth called the garden of Eden, where he also places the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From the man, God creates a woman and tells them that they “may freely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil [they] shall not eat, for in the day that [they] eat of it [they] shall die (Genesis 2:16). Despite this warning, the woman, Eve, is eventually tempted to eat the fruit of the treat and convinces Adam to do the same, causing them to be cast out of the garden. Although Adam and Eve do have free will to do what they
In the garden of Eden, the serpent tempted Eve with the fruit of the tree of knowledge; an apple, of which both Adam and Eve tasted. The garden has already been established as
On the sixth day of creation, God created Adam and gave him total dominion over the Garden of Eden. After a period of time, God realized that it was not good for Adam to remain alone in the Garden, and therefore created Eve from Adam’s ribs. God allowed Adam and Eve to dwell in the Garden of Eden but commanded that they did not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, a serpent later persuades Eve to pick an apple from the Tree, who then offers it to Adam. God becomes very angry and casts them out from the Garden of Eden. The classical Disney movie, Snow White, alludes to Adam and Eve. In the movie, an innocent and pure girl named Snow White is offered a poisonous apple by a wicked witch. The witch claims that the apple was magical and had the power to grant Snow White a wish. Snow White becomes convinced and takes a bite from the apple, causing her to fall into a deep slumber. Both the serpent and witch used the art of temptation, sin, and greed to lure their foe into committing wrong things.
However, evil soon entered the garden in the form of a serpent. One day when Eve was walking in the garden she encountered the evil serpent who encouraged her to take a fruit from one of God’s forbidden fruit trees. The serpent succeeded in deceiving Eve to take a fruit; she then ate the fruit and shared it with Adam. Then God became angry with Adam and Eve for betraying Him. To punish Adam and Eve, he ejected them from the garden and subjecting them to mortality, painful childbirth, sin and shame.
Right outside a corner store, next to a stoplight, or at a park, there may be a homeless person asking for some sort of help; it can either be for a place to stay, money, or food. Many people are used to categorizing a group of people by a solo characteristic, known as a stereotype. Misconception, on the other hand, is a conclusion of someone or something that is wrong because it is based on faulty thinking or facts. Stereotypes and misconceptions appear to be similar, however, these two are not. A misconception is formed from having a stereotype. Stereotypes and misconceptions are built because many try, but are unable to understand a person or a group, or are just simply unwilling to understand the person or group. There are over a million
Furthermore, a mainstream misconception of those who have serious mental illness or disorders, and are declared NCR, is the question of ‘why didn't they [the offender] get psychological help before something like this [offence] occurred?’. Following a tragic occurrence, such as the case of Sean Clifton stabbing Julie Bouvier, society at large feels failed by the Criminal Justice System, and want to know why an event like this wasn’t prevented or foreseen, and how the CJS didn’t ‘catch’ this offender before they caused devastation or harm to others. Contrary to these myth and misconceptions, a study done by the National Trajectory Project, which examined 1800 men and women who were found to be NCRMD between May 2000 and April 2005, “NCRMD–accused
Dated back to the 10th century B.C., the story of Adam and Eve is told in Genesis chapters 2 and 3 of the Christian Bible. The creation is the main focus of chapter 2 and their fall and punishment is the main focus in chapter 3. God creates Adam in his image from mud, he blows to his face and gives him life. God presents all of the animals of the land to Adam and he is not satisfied, so God created Eve out of Adams rib as a companion and helper for him, and he is satisfied with Gods work. God commands Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But, the serpent persuades Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and she persuades Adam to do so as well. After they eat the forbidden fruit they realize they are naked
“Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made (English Standard Version Bible, Gn. 3:1).” In this quote, the reader can infer that the Serpent is sly, devious, and cunning and should not be trusted. To see that the Serpent is tempting Eve the bible says, “He said to the woman, ‘Did God actually say “You shall not eat of any tree in the garden”?’ . . . But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’(Gn. 3:2-6)” This quote shows the actual tempting that the Serpent did to get Adam and Eve to eat the fruit.
Urban legends have always intrigued me. I am unsure if it is the scare factor that intrigues me, the way in which some of them are told, or some of the lessons that are supposed to be taken from them but one thing I know for sure is that I do not stand alone in this belief. In fact urban legends are told all over the world, even in countries that many have never heard of before. Many people of all backgrounds find them to be mystifying and sometimes even alarming. It seems as if urban legends have the ability to draw any person in ranging from a young child to the typical adult male. Whether or not you believe these incredible tales is almost irrelevant in many
However, they rebel and sin enters the world after a serpent tricks Eve into questioning God’s love and motives. In her gullible innocence, she ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3). Eve shared the fruit with Adam and they spiritually and physically die. This was catastrophic to Gods Order and led to the condemnation of all human beings (Roman 5:18). Immediately, they
In Adam's case, Satan in the form of a serpent persuaded him to bit the apple.
Myths serve as a basis of authority on ethical and moral issues regarded as facts, for example, why people behave the way that they do, but include supernatural elements. Myths tell the origins of the world and humankind by relating them to human traditions and understanding a societies values and norms (pg. 31). Human psychology deals with mental processes and behavior of an individual, group, or activity. Ways that human psychology affects the nature of myths and the way we tell and perceive stories is by interpreting an analysis of myths as being symbolic and, in turn, this symbolism is rooted in the human mind, behavior and emotions. Psychologists, Freud, and Jung believed that myths (e.g. dreams) are said to be symbolically expressing
In the Biblical account of the creation of mankind, the first woman, Eve, is held responsible for the downfall of mankind. When God questions Adam as to who is to blame for disobeying his command to not eat from the tree of knowledge, Adam replies “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the