
Common Errors In My Writing

Satisfactory Essays

The errors that I have made, previously and still struggle with, in my writing are:
• Comma after introductory element
• Incomplete or missing documentation
• Pronoun reference
• Spelling
• Quotation Error
• Unnecessary Comma
• Faulty sentence structure
• Missing comma with nonrestrictive element
• Missing comma in compound sentence
• Run-on sentences
• Comma splice
• Poorly Integrated quote
• Hyphens
• Sentence fragment
So 70 percent of the 20 most common errors plague my writing. Dr. Horgan, you are in it deep with me! In order to be aware of these errors, I need to actually understand what they are. The module text and notes help, but I need to use and encounter these errors more often if I am to fully comprehend their use. Honestly,

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