
Common Core State Standards Case Study

Decent Essays

While Governor Jindal’s case is arguably the most publicized in the issue of adopting a set of common standards which may violate the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution, it is not the only case. The first case challenging the use of Common Core State Standards, Adams v. Kentucky Education Officials (2008), was filed because the Kentucky Legislature is ultimately responsible for education but never voted as a body to approve Common Core and some of the related agreements with the US Department of Education, the adoption of Common Core was not legally performed (Kentucky parent sues to block Common Core State Standards, n.d.). The case was dismissed on grounds that Mr. Adams didn’t have a personal injury and thus could not file suit. In 2015, a group of Missouri residents and taxpayers filed a petition for relief against Missouri Governor Nixon in Sauer V. Nixon (2015). This case alleged that it was illegal for Missouri to be a member of a consortium to develop national standards and assessments based on the grounds that it violates federal law guaranteeing state and local control of curriculum, programs of instruction. While the case was eventually dismissed, it was clear by the rationale presented by Sauer that the 10th Amendment is valid and should be …show more content…

In 2016, Mauricio and Grinager v. Dauggard, et al (2016), the plaintiffs argued that the state of South Dakota surrendered its sovereign rights over education policy because it agreed to be bound to Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) in its efforts to receive grant funding from Race to the Top (Amber Mauricio and Shelli Grinager v. Dennis Daugaard,

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