My chief reason for coming to college was to prepare myself for a position that would allow me to have a higher income than I would be likely to obtain as a high school graduate. Even though some high school graduates make reasonably good wages these days, their economic opportunities are limited in two ways: without a college degree they are not eligible for most of the good jobs, and without a degree they have less chance of promotion. I want to be an engineer. If I graduate with an engineering degree, I can expect within fifteen years of graduation to have a responsible position in management at a salary between eight and twelve thousand dollars. If I have only a high school diploma, about the most
I can eventually hope
While growing up, there are innumerable decisions to be made and paths to take. As I am approaching the ending point of my high school career, I have finally found the correct one for me. I have known from a surprisingly young age that I wish to pursue a job in the medical field, and have taken a number of steps to help achieve this dream. I show tremendous passion for both my educational and career goals, and how to reach them. My future is incredibly important to me because through doing my job, I will also be achieving my biggest goal: saving lives.
Having a college degree is not only a something anyone can frame, it can have value, along with other benefits as well. According to the Get Rich Slowly website, it states that “on average, those who have a college degree earn almost twice as much as those who do not” (Roth, 2008). Employees with have a higher lifetime earnings with a degree, making roughly a million dollars in their lifetime (Roth, 2008).
Katie Bardaro has researched and wrote an article titled, Average Salary for People with highest degree GED or High School Diploma. She stated that, “There are over 27 million people are in school at this moment attending anywhere between kindergarten to high school seniors. In the last forty years, those who graduate high school with a diploma are at an all-time high. Of those 16-21 years old, 1.8 have dropped out of high school without a diploma and of those, 66% are not working. 5.1 million of those 27 million have graduated with a diploma but have yet enrolled in post-secondary institutions. Many people do not know this but, even after someone witha high school GED has been employed for over 20 years the average highest annual salary they
The degrees shows that their college experience was a breeze and filled with partying. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found that, “In October 2011, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate for 20- to 29-year-olds who had graduated from college in 2011 was 12.6 percent. The rate was 13.5 percent for those who recently had earned bachelor’s degrees and 8.6 percent for those who recently had earned advanced degrees.” Graduating from college, does not mean you are immediately going to have a job. The three young adults graduated with degrees in
The right career path begins with the right college, and the right college should take me to the right path. I always wondered what I was going to do with my life ever since I was 12 years old. When I turned 14 I wanted to become a video game designer but then I looked into it and learned how much I hated it, how much it wasn’t like playing video games. So as I always told myself “if it isn’t right for you then go with the next thing in life you enjoy.”. So that’s when I started my journey of life mentally, looking to the right career for success. It is important to understand the education or training requirements, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when making the decision.
When I first read To Kill a Mockingbird, I fell in love with Atticus Finch’s character; he was a calm, fair lawyer who fought for the wronged. Lawyers represent individuals, businesses, and organizations in court, as well as read wills and deeds. Criminal prosecutors represent clients who have had a crime committed against them. I chose this career because being a lawyer, especially a criminal prosecutor, requires laying out facts in a clear and concise manner, as well as verbally framing evidence in such a way as to support my client and convict the defendant, and elucidate upon the case itself. It is important to understand and be able to fulfill the education requirements, skills needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties performed when choosing a career.
Choosing to go back to school? If so it may help you to better understand the resources that you have at your disposal before you start your college career, or even resuming your college career. There are many resources that are available to you through your school and your community. You just have to know where to look, this paper will cover some of the many resources that your school and financial can offer. I hope it is of some help.
Ever since I can remember I have wanted to do two things with my career, and that is to travel and to meet as many new people I can. In becoming a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, those cravings can transform into my own reality. Becoming a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative (PSR) has been on my radar for quite sometime. Furthermore, It is going to be vital for me to advance my education and receive a college degree. It is an absolute necessity to comprehend the learning and training requirements, skills or talents required, salary and benefits offered, and the duties for a particular career when beginning your future.
I never thought anything like this would happen. How could it happen?Why did it have to be my best friend. I just didn’t understand or get why it was happening because there had never been any signs of it. Why cancer?
My first reason to attend college was the higher earning potential associated with having a
Another pro to having a college degree is that people who do not go to college are more likely to be unemployed and therefore, place an unwanted financial strain on society. In addition to having an advantage when gaining employment, college graduates also tend to have better job security. This means that when it comes time to lay off employees, employers are often more likely to choose employees without college degrees. “It’s that employers believe that B.A./B.S. graduates are generally more likely to be ready than high school graduates. In the absence of any other validation, they turn to a bachelor’s degree as the only meaningful proxy they can find” (Sigelman).
I have been working on my academic career for many years now. I am currently in my third year of community college, and have come across multiple teachers who have helped and inspired me in many ways. A teacher not only teaches the content of their course, but life skills as well. They are kind, caring, considerate, and understanding of their students. A teacher who goes above and beyond for their students is one that will make a difference. One teacher who I believe has made all the difference to me, was my accounting professor.
Going to college and receiving a degree does not guarantee that a person is going to get a job right after they graduate. It is sometimes hard for some graduates to find a good job because there is so much competition with other graduates as well. Sometimes they may get a job and it could be in a totally different field of what they got their degree for. They must find a job though to pay off all the debt that an education has given them.
By being educated properly at the graduate level, I will also have the power and qualification to pursue higher studies in my line of study or another related field which I might want to acquire expertise. With such credentials, it puts me on a higher professional pedal in an increasingly competitive job market. Higher education credential puts me at an advantage as far as securing a favorable employment and commanding a relatively higher compensation than other less educated job seekers. Some positions, for example, such as supervisory roles, management, and directorship in many agencies require that potential employees have a minimum of a masters degree, this further
Getting a job in a different occupations than what one received a degree seems to be easier than fighting the other 250 people applying for that one desired job. According to Alana Semuels in her article “College-Educated Workers are Taking Jobs That Don’t Require Degrees”, in 1970 under 3% of firefighters and taxi drivers had college degrees. However, today over 15% of workers in these occupations have college degrees, along with 25% of retail workers. This proves how difficult it is to get a job in the area that a person studied in. The job market is more competitive that it has ever been. Also, the entry level positions that college graduates can get do not pay very well. A college graduate might be able to find a job in their desired field. However, it cannot pay the bills. So one might decide to be a taxi driver so they are able to pay their bills.