
Combo Washer Dryer Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Problem 1(Enhancing, Augmenting and Transforming Devices)

Enhancing Device: Nebulizer Machine
Asthma patients feel difficult to breathe. Nebulizer Machine is an enhancing device which helps the Asthma patients breathe easily. The machine effectively sends the medicine to the lungs better than the inhalers when the patients require a higher level of oxygen.
Augmenting Device: Combo Washer Dryer
Combo Washer Dryer is an automated machine where it is a combination in a single container of a washing machine and a clothes dryer. In the Combo Washer Dryer, the container has a washer and dryer which allow the clothes to be washed and dried at once. Combo Washer Dryer is an augmented device which reduces the activity

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