
Columbine Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

Columbine Journal Chapters 1-19 The police should have helped the students and teachers that were hit. They could have possibly been still alive, or at least able to save. The S.W.A.T team should have went inside the school as soon as they arrived on campus, but instead they waited outside and let the kids get murdered. According to the documentary, one man said the police were at the school way before everyone actually mentions, and the man says that the police had every opportunity to go into the school and safely remove students, but the police did not go in the school for whatever reason. Chapters 20-34 Danny’s body should have been covered on the lawn if it was going to be sitting there for several days. It was evidence, but there should’ve …show more content…

They find a friend that could get them the guns they needed, and they wrote down their plans in their journals. Eric’s dad almost catches them in their plan when he receives a phone call talking about the magazine clips that Eric ordered. The conversation exchanged between Eric’s dad and the person on the phone goes a different direction, and keeps the plan safe. Eric and Dylan start focusing on things they want to achieve before the final date. Eric wants to lose his virginity, so he makes a last ditch effort to find a girl to help him. He does not succeed, and he moves on. Dylan is still fixated on love. They finally go into the school, and go through with their plan. They killed several students and injured more. The two boys then committed suicide in the library. Mr. D struggled with coping after the massacre happened. He felt guilty, and he focused on helping the students more throughout the rest of the school year. He decides to do counseling with his students to help cope with his pain and the students’ pain as well. People worried about Mr. D, and he lost his family due to his mental stability. The staff at Columbine left to take on other jobs, and move on from the tragedy into a new chapter of their lives. Mr. D stayed behind at the school to ensure he was there for the students for moral

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