
Color and Mood

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Overall, results indicate that the manipulation of the color of questionnaire had no effect on mood. However, there was an effect of time of day on mood as well as an effect of gender on mood. The results did not support the main hypothesis that different colors would elicit different moods. Thus, this study found no support for the prediction that brighter colors would elicit positive moods, whereas less bright colors would elicit negative moods. These results do not support past research findings that brighter colors tend to elicit positive moods, whereas, dark colors elicit negative moods (Hemphill, 1996; Kaya & Epps, 2004). Moreover, this result was not expected given the previously discussed research by Weller and Livingston (1988) …show more content…

They found that men tended to have higher scores than women on the Self-assurance subscale in all ten samples they examined, although this difference was small. Moreover, there does not appear to be a clear reason that in our study men had higher scores than women on the surprise subscale. Furthermore, the finding that men rated their moods higher on several subscales was intriguing, since past research that examined the relationship between colors and emotions suggested that women were emotionally oriented and reported more emotional responses to colors than men (Hemphill, 1996). Furthermore, results did not support the hypothesis that the 1:00 PM class would have more positive moods than the 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM classes; however, results did suggest that mood was affected by the time of day. Nevertheless, only particular times were affected, for instance the 4:00 PM late afternoon class had higher scores for the negative moods than the 8:00 AM class. Also, the 4:00 PM class had higher scores on the shyness subscale than the 1:00 PM midday class. The results that the late afternoon class had more negative mood than the midday appear to go against the current literature given that the research suggests that Negative Affect does not fluctuate throughout the day and is not related to the circadian rhythm (Murray et al., 2002). In contrast, Positive Affect appears to be related to the circadian rhythm, tends to increase throughout the day until about 9pm, when PA

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