
Colonial America Dbq Essay

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The democracy established in colonial America developed greatly as the rights of colonists were recognized, however, the early establishment caused many of the features to be undemocratic.The history in colonial America as shown in the documents imply that equality among people of different races, genders and beliefs was not yet established during this time. America was filled with inequality and undemocratic features, allowing prejudice to occur between men and women, and the difference races. In 1763, the qualifications that one needed in order to vote varied depending on the colony. Although, each colony required that the voter was to be of the christian religion, white race, and male gender. (Doc 2) Even if one was a white male of the christian religion, there was still a requirement that needed to be met that varied among the different …show more content…

The value and size of the property that each male owned was the determining factor as to whether or not one would be granted the right to vote. Each colony used this requirement as a way in which one would need to prove himself to gain rights. It was imperative that one's personal land was valued at a certain price and exceeded the size requirement. If the obtained land was not suitable to the requirements, rights were denied. Race and gender also played a severe role in the rights during that time in America. Equality for women and African Americans in colonial America was nonexistent. (Doc 5) The Lady’s Law listed several legal restrictions that degraded the rights of a woman. Women were forced to cater to the needs of their husbands and were prohibited from owning property or collecting wages, which were both huge requirements in order for a man to possess his rights. African Americans were treated very poorly as well, since society did not treat this race as if they were important. During this time, slavery existed in all thirteen colonies and

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