
College Essay On Sustainability And Preservation

Decent Essays

Sustainability and preservation is an ever concerning effort through which the current generation along with those generation before today's. Only difference is the means through with those initiative are brought up. Certainly, the same individuals that felt compelled, in some manner, to act on the issues will only continue to do so even when the timeline of their existence is shifted to a different generation. Thus, it is vital that, I along with all others, take the steps to replace those generations who have moved away from this same path. For, it is a never ending battle to maintain those goals that first compelled us to act upon. Especially, when the nature of the world today is not in the same direction. When looking at long term …show more content…

No matter, I have always been one to look for the good that I can do through my means. Through reading and studying I only further understood the drastic changes we have made to the environment we live in. The books we are told to read merely gloss over many details, good and bad. All we learn is the technical information to interpret those details that are good and bad. Sticking to the bad is my method of grasping its nature to help it in the direction of good. Which is what I have learned in biology. Along, with information of how to purposefully do do, but also through the random nature of the good that may come through purposeful action. In other sense, creating a platform for sustainability can attract those for and against those looking for the same platform, but at the same time those who are not even the slightest interest in the means can be moved to that direction by the mere voice that they have never heard before. I bring this up to mention that, I have never participated in a work effort like this, but I am certain that if I have a voice as determined, as I think I have, others similar to me may also change their direction to the one of my generation. For sustainability and preservation. This is all that I have learned through evolution, a class I took one

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